Artist Detail 作家情報詳細

Artist Name

妹尾 華岑
セノオ カシン



  • ジャンル: 書道
  • 出身地:
  • 生年:
  • 経歴: 21世紀国際書展審査会員グランプリ賞、コートダジュール国際芸術祭ミシェル・ブキエ賞、ハイデルベルク現代日本美術展ハイデルベルク芸術賞、大阪府知事賞他、受賞多、海外展出品多数、作品収蔵(タイ王国陛下、モナコ公国、ロシア国立エルミタージュ美術館、春日井市道風美術館、ポルトガル・オリエンテ博物館)
  • 所属団体/役職名: 21世紀国際書会常理・審、元プラド美術館財団会員、現代臨書展審査参与、華岑書道会主宰
  • Genre: Calligraphy
  • Birthplace:
  • Birth Year:
  • Personal History: Received the Grand Prize of the Judge in the 21st Century International Calligraphy Exhibition, Michelle Bulkie Prize in Cote D’Azur International Art Festival, Heidelberg Art Prize in the Heidelberg Modern Japan Art Exhibition and Osaka Governor Award and many more awards. Exhibited many works in overseas exhibitions and her works have been collected (by King of Thailand, Principality of Monaco, National Hermitage Museum in Russia, Kasugai City Dofu Museum, and Oriente Museum in Portugal).
  • Membership/Title: The general manager and an examiner of the 21st International Calligraphy Association, a former member of the Prado Museum Foundation, an examiner and consultant in the Modern Hand-Copy of Calligraphy Exhibition, and the organizer of Kashin-Shodo-Kai.

“Large Flower”
“In the capital city, I received a letter sent from my home land”
“River (Limpid Stream, Rapid Stream and Confluence)”


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